
Kamchatka.is/Stone Birch

Stone Birch by Valery Bykasov

The best books about Kamchatka nature

Stone Birch
Betula ermanii

Overview of this amazing arbor species and its role in the Kamchatka peninsula ecology by Valery Bykasov.

"Using quite a bit of detail, the author touches on the applicable, economical and medicinal aspects of Erman’s birch usage... At the same time, he rightly notices that the most important aspects of the Kamchatka stone birch forests are their soil-protecting and water-protecting roles..."

Valentin Yakubov

About The Author

Valery is a researcher at the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS, based in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia. He specializes in fields of geography and landscape science, ecology, economy, Kamchatka local lore. Author of over 100 scientific works and more than 150 popular publications which cover the influence of volcanic activity upon landscapes and ecosystems, problems of nature management and regional economy, local history.


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What's Inside The Book

Stone birch ( Betula ermanii ) is being considered from the ecologist’s point of view. The phenomenological characteristic of the Kamchatka stone birch forests is presented. Some aspects of the wood, bark, sap, foliage, and buds’ usage in the commodity production, folk medicine and handicraft industry are unveiled. The role and the importance of the stone birch woods in the preservation of primary-natural structure of landscapes and ecosystems of the peninsula are underlined. Photos illustrate the distinctive nature of Kamchatka.

1h 40m

Estimated Reading Time


Total Pages

108 Photos

By the author

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